Half of Americans over the age of 30 (64 million) have periodontitis. This advanced form of gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss is periodontal disease. Not only does it cause tooth loss, periodontitis is also a risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
At its earliest stages, gum disease is sometimes painless and invisible. The following list is the most common and noticeable symptoms of periodontitis.
The first stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis. At this stage, bacteria cause your gums to be red and swollen. Bleeding can also occur, especially while brushing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek treatment right away. A general dentist can often intervene and provide treatment when the disease is in the gingivitis stage.
If gingivitis is not treated promptly, it can progress to the next stage. Periodontitis is when the gums begin to separate from the teeth, causing infected pockets to form. The body's responses to infection along with toxins from the bacteria lead to the erosion of supporting bone and tissue. This can lead to tooth loss. At this stage, a periodontist is required to provide treatment.
Having the symptoms alone isn’t a guarantee you are in the stages of periodontal disease, you should mention any gum issues you’re having. Early detection is key to stopping the impact of the disease. Our team of experienced dental professionals can assess your condition quickly and provide periodontal treatment options.
Osseous surgery, also known as gingivectomy or pocket reduction surgery represents different surgeries focused on accessing tooth roots to remove tartar and disease-causing bacteria. These treatments reduce the spread of bacteria, prevent bone loss, and help make home hygiene care more efficient while enhancing your smile.
A ridge augmentation is a periodontal treatment usually performed after tooth extraction. The purpose is to recreate the natural contour of the gums and jaw. The original height and width of the alveolar ridge (or the bone surrounding the roots of the teeth) is rebuilt. While not medically necessary, it may be needed for dental implant placement or cosmetic purposes.
Scaling and root planing can prevent gum disease from getting severe. A common, non-surgical method, root planing can reach places brushing cannot. In this procedure, a special dental tool is used to get down to the roots by removing the bacteria and tartar accumulated at the gum line.
Guided regeneration is a periodontal treatment that helps you regain a healthy bone structure and gum line. Our specialists use surgery to position barrier membranes beneath your gums to encourage healthy tissue growth and bone regeneration.
To allow for new bone formation in the upper jaw, a sinus lift/augmentation is a periodontal treatment that raises the sinus floor. During the surgery, bone is added between the jaw and maxillary sinuses to fix the damage caused by periodontal disease. The treatment is often performed to allow for the proper placement of implants.
The frenum is the small tissue fold in your mouth that connects your lower gums to the bottom of your tongue. If the frenum is abnormally prominent, it can negatively impact teeth, gums, and the supporting bone structure. A frenectomy is a periodontal treatment that can reduce the size of the frenum for a healthier, more permanent oral environment. The surgery is brief, lasting about 15 minutes.
Reach out to our team today for information and solutions about the health of your gums.
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