Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Restoring Your Smile

Dr. B-Bay of Premier Dental Club in Houston TX

Committing to a full mouth rehabilitation process is a big step and shouldn't be taken lightly. However, it is often the best way to restore the look and function of your smile in as few treatments as possible rather than through years of ongoing dental treatment. When tooth decay, accidents, or gum disease have affected your entire mouth, it's time for a restoration approach that deals with all of it at once as well. Rehabilitating your smile can do a lot more than just boost your self-esteem as well. Learn more about full mouth rehabilitation options to decide if it's the right choice for you.

Partial Smile Restoration vs. Full Mouth Care

Many patients who think they need full mouth restoration like dentures actually have a few teeth left worth trying to save. However, you still may choose a full mouth approach in that case because it allows you to use techniques and devices that wouldn't work so well with natural teeth in place. Once more than 60% or 70% of your natural teeth have been compromised and need replacement or intensive care, you may want to consider the path of complete restoration. Your dentist can help you decide whether partial or full treatment is a better approach based on factors like discomfort, cost, likelihood of success, and long-term stability. It's best to make the decision between the two options with the help of a professional since there may be complications that make one a better choice for you than the other.

What Conditions Lead to the Need for Rehabilitation?

Aging is not always associated with tooth loss, but the majority of older adults are missing at least one tooth. The loss of a majority of your natural teeth is more likely to be tied to an issue like gum disease or an accident. Trauma to the tooth roots due to older medical treatments like the use of radiation for tonsilitis can lead to sudden tooth loss later in life. No matter the need for comprehensive dental treatment, the dentist can address the underlying cause before beginning the restoration steps to rebuild your beautiful smile. Ongoing infection or gum disease issues will lead to long-term discomfort and complications unless they're treated before you get dental implants or dentures. A full mouth rehabilitation will involve improvements to both your overall oral health and specific cosmetic issues.

What Steps Are Involved in Dental Rehabilitation?

Each full mouth makeover requires a unique approach based on the needs of the patient. Your dentist will use X-rays and 3D imaging to record what's missing from your smile. Digital modeling allows you to see a prediction of what you can expect from the restoration. Depending on any issues you're having with decay or gum disease, you'll need treatments for active conditions first. Next, you may need the extraction of the remaining teeth or root canals and crowns to stabilize them. Sedation dentistry is available for these steps if you have anxiety about them. Once you've recovered from active infections or extractions, you can begin working on the restoration stage. The dentist may recommend crowns or veneers for any remaining teeth and dental implants to fill in the gaps. If you have all of your teeth extracted, implant-supported dentures may work best. Most patients need a combination of restoration methods to get the sparkling smile they want.

Benefits of Oral Health Restoration

Undergoing the process of oral health restoration is a great way to improve your self esteem. You'll be comfortable smiling, laughing, and speaking without worrying about being judged for the state of your smile. However, you're also likely to benefit in more concrete ways as well. If you've been missing or losing teeth for years, discomfort during biting or chewing may have left you with a limited diet. Restoring your smile can expand your ability to enjoy your favorite foods once again and enrich your diet for better overall health. Most people also find they speak more clearly after getting their smile restored.

How Long Will the Process Take?

Each full mouth rehabilitation is different, so only a dentist can estimate how long it will take to achieve your smile goals. Conditions like gum disease or oral cancer extend the time frame for recovery. The quickest process may take a few weeks or months, while some patients will need over a year to complete the process. Starting the prep work as soon as possible will help you achieve your goals without a long wait.

Choose Premier Dental Club for your full mouth rehabilitation procedures. Our expertise in oral health and restoration work will ensure you're happy with the results and feel supported through the whole process. Start with a consultation with the dentist to find out what we recommend to restore your smile on any budget.

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